Founded in 2012 by Laurie Angell, RS, LMT in an effort to bring the medical community together...


Universal Health Solutions was founded in 2012 by Laurie Angell, RS, LMT in an effort to bring the medical community together to explore and discuss various modalities of integrative medicine in conjunction with more traditional practices. Laurie believes that our global society enables us to explore other cultures and their healing modalities and give them the credit they deserve.

After an exciting initial symposium featuring Dr. Stuart Rothenberg and Dr. Patch Adams, as well as two groundbreaking integrative health conferences, UHS evaluated its program efforts and decided there was more foundational work to be done. Recognizing the need for more of a grass roots effort across multiple demographics, UHS will now focus on three constituencies, which are the traditional health care community, integrative health care practitioners, and the general public. This approach, addressing the different groups of stakeholders and their distinct needs, requires different programming tracks and an extensive program of work, so in 2016 UHS began the process of applying for nonprofit status. 

UHS has now become a member-based organization and is funded through donations, grants, sponsorships, event registration fees, and membership dues. Universal Health Solutions is also a 501(c)(3) organization.