Our mission at Universal Health Solutions is to inform, educate, and advocate for increased awareness of and access to integrative health care treatments, and to truly integrate complementary and alternative treatment modalities into the more traditional and mainstream healthcare approaches.
Universal Health Solutions envisions a new paradigm for health care: one that addresses the needs of the whole person – body, mind, spirit and emotions – and one that includes a variety of treatment options ranging from ancient traditions and multicultural approaches to newer science-based modalities. We envision a wellness-based healthcare system that offers effective strategies for disease prevention and emphasizes living lives of meaning, purpose, balance, and health. This new paradigm includes promotion of healthy lifestyle practices and choices, self-care and, when disease and injury occur, integrative treatment options in addition to more traditional approaches.
Core Beliefs
- People are complex beings and their minds, emotions and spirits are an integral part of health, illness, and healing.
- Health, wellbeing, and healing are predicated on much more than a disease-based model and involve much more than just medication and surgery. Nutrition, exercise, stress management, spirituality, relationships with others, connection with nature, and a balanced lifestyle all contribute greatly to one’s health and wellbeing as well as healing.
- Informed and empowered people take a more active role in their own health and are better able to make healthier choices.
- Optimal healing takes place when all aspects of an individual’s life are addressed in their health care.
“The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic, or hospital.”
Core Values
- Respect for the inherent value and significance of the relationship between patient and health care provider.
- Respect for the health and healing traditions of cultures around the globe.
- Kindness, respect, love, and compassion are at the core of all healthy interactions, particularly those between health care provider and patient.