Self-Care and Healing from a Spiritual Perspective

Content provided by: Elizabeth Wood Willey is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP), spiritual director, educator, retreat leader, and author of the book, "Footprints of the Soul, A Creative Guide for Spiritual Journey Groups and Individuals"

The root word for healing is haelen, an Anglo Saxon Word that means whole, implying that body, mind, and spirit need to be reconnected and integrated. Here are some ways to enhance your spiritual journey by weaving it into your daily life:

Don’t travel alone.  Form a spiritual journey group to share stories, practices and support each other’s growth. 

Draw your spiritual journey and share it.  Through visually representing your past, present and future experiences you will more easily see patterns of your life, and gain insight into where you are now called to grow. 

Commit to a balanced spiritual practice using a variety of ways of connecting to divine essence.

1. In the morning, mentally review your day and break it down into segments.  For each part of the day, leave time to pause to ask for blessing and guidance.

2. In the evening, review your day.  If there were times you felt disconnected, reflect why and then release them.  Honor the sacred times of your day with gratitude and seed your unconscious with these blessings.

3. In the course of a week, make sure you have times of silence and stillness, times of music and movement, times of creativity and times of deeply connecting to others.

Connect to the energy of the universe.

1. Tai Chi, Yoga, Qiqong or your favorite form of dance are a good ways to tap into the natural flow of the rhythm of the earth.

2. Another suggestion is to sit very still in an outdoor setting watching one part of the scene very intently.  You will begin to feel yourself energetically merging with your surroundings as you focus your mind and senses.

Let go of what no longer is for your highest good. This is the time when you need to be on the receiving end of Healing Touch!  Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.  This therapy uses the gift of touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, and the energy centers that control the flow from the energy field to the physical body.

Open yourself to divine guidance. 

1. Turn to your body for insight into your inner realm through meditating with an area where you may be experiencing tension or discomfort.  Ask what information or guidance it may have for you. 

2. Watch for signs from the natural world as metaphors for your support and growth. 

3. Be tuned into images or scenes that draw your attention and deeply touch your spirit. 

Deepen compassion for yourself and others.  Use the Buddhist practice of Metta meditation, by deciding what you most need at the moment and offering it to yourself first.  For example,  “May I find peace of mind.”  Next offer it to those closest to you, then your acquaintances, then strangers, and finally those who have hurt you.

Elizabeth Wood Willey is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP), spiritual director, educator, retreat leader, and author of the book, Footprints of the Soul, A Creative Guide for Spiritual Journey Groups and Individuals.  She also serves on the Universal Health Solutions Board of Directors.  You can learn more at


About Elizabeth Wood Willey
Elizabeth Wood Willey is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP), spiritual director, educator, retreat leader, and author of the book, Footprints of the Soul, A Creative Guide for Spiritual Journey Groups and Individuals.  She also serves on the Universal Health Solutions Board of Directors.  You can learn more at


Content provided by: Barbara Meconis, RN, BS, principal owner of Holistic Care Approach


Have you considered Thermography for your next breast exam? When it comes to breast cancer, or any other type of cancer for that matter, early detection is key to successful treatment. Thermography screening is a safe and effective method of catching breast anomalies at their very earliest. Thermography uses ultra-sensitive infrared cameras alongside sophisticated computers to detect, analyze, and produce a high-resolution mapping of your body's temperature variations. What the technician is looking for are concentrations of blood vessels that don't contract the way they're supposed to when you're cold, a natural response intended to keep vital organs warm. If abnormalities are found, there are a variety of interventions that can be taken. 

Because of its extreme sensitivity, these temperature variations may provide subtle, yet vital clues to the detection of cancer or a precancerous state of the breast. There's no radiation, no compression, and the technology is supported by more than 800 peer-reviewed studies.

Did you know that men can be diagnosed with breast cancer as well? Thermography doesn't just have to be for breast screenings either, it can also detect inflammation in other parts of body so a technician can do waist up and full body readings, which can be used to glean insight on sources of pain or inflammation. 

Thermography is now available in West Michigan!


About Barbara Meconis, RN, BS:
Barbara Meconis, RN, BS, is a holistic nurse consultant and health coach, and the principal owner of Holistic Care Approach, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  She is also Vice President of the Universal Health Solutions Board of Directors.

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