Dr. Seaward's presentation examines the science of “screen addictions“, FOMO, mental paralysis at the worksite, as well as the newest research of neuroplasticity; regeneration of brain tissue produced from mindfulness meditation and relaxation. Dr. Seaward is a renowned and respected international expert in the fields of stress management, mind-body-spirit healing, and corporate health promotion. He is respected throughout the international community as an accomplished teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, author, award-winning filmmaker, visionary, and mentor. The wisdom of Brian Luke Seaward, a TEDx speaker, can be found quoted in PBS specials, college graduation speeches, medical seminars, boardroom meetings, church sermons, and keynote addresses all over the world. His corporate clients include Hewlett Packard, Procter & Gamble, Conoco Oil, Motorola, Quaker Oats, John Deere, BP-Amoco, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Maxtor-Seagate, Organic Valley Dairy, US ARMY, and many others. Dr. Seaward has authored more than fourteen books, including the classic best-sellers, Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water, The Art of Calm, and Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backwards, as well as the top-selling college textbook, Managing Stress (7e). To learn more about Dr. Seaward, visit www.brianlukeseaward.com.