Acupressure Points for the Immune System

Article By: Irv Marcus, Nationally Board Certified Acupuncturist

Acupressure is an ancient healing technique that uses fingers to press on key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural healing ability to restore balance. When these specific points are pressed they relieve tension and promote circulation. There are many different techniques of applying acupressure, they can easily be researched online or in books on the subject. 

I suggest gentle but firm pressure, so that you get a good hurt, NOT pain. Make sure you continue to breathe while holding a point. Hold this point for 30-60 seconds once or twice a day.

Acupressure is used for many different maladies, the following set of points and the location charts focus on boosting our immune system:

K27 Strengthens the immune system, relieves chest congestion and breathing issues as well as helps with anxiety and depression 

CV17 Used for anxiety and depression calms the nervous system

CV6 Strengthens the digestive organs relieves digestive upset

ST36 Aids digestion, tonifies the whole body relieves fatigue 

LV3 Boosts the immune system, relieves stress, especially for eye and head pain

LI11 Reduces Fever, strengthens digestion, also used for elbow pain

TW5 increases resistance to common cold 

Ll4 One of the main acupressure points for Pain, especially in the head 

KI3 Strengthens the immune system, relieves fatigue also used for ankle n foot pain 

You do NOT have to use all the points, whenever you have time to use 2 or 3 points can be effective. Once again using Gentle but firm pressure for 30-60 seconds twice a day will boost your immune system. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact me at

Irv is a Nationally Board Certified Acupuncturist with multiple locations in West Michigan. Irv is a graduate of Meiji College of Oriental Medicine in San Francisco, California. You can learn more about Irv and his practice at his website.